Residential Green Roofings
Whether you are a long-time fan of green roofs or someone who has recently discovered the many benefits that this novel approach can offer your home’s roof, it really never is too late to convert to the wonders of a green roof. At J&J Northwoods Construction Inc., we are very proud of the fact that we were one of the first companies to fully embrace the green roofing industry and we feel that the experience and expertise that we have acquired in the intervening years has allowed us to deliver a tried and trusted green roof service for all our residential customers.
Three Facts That You Need To Know About Green Roofs
If we at J&J Northwoods Construction Inc. had a dollar for every time we heard one of the following mistruths or general inaccuracies about green roofs, then it is likely that we would be in a position to quit our jobs and retire to the Caribbean. The reality is that the innovative and environmentally-friendly nature of green roofs mean that some people feel that they are too good to be true but the reality is that many of the ‘facts’ about green roofs are anything but. Three of the biggest misconceptions that exist when it comes to green roofing systems include:
Green Roofs Are Costly to Irrigate
The fact of the matter is that the irrigation and watering needs of your green roof are completely dependent on the type of rood that you opt for. While, it is true that certain homeowners choose a green roof that requires sedum or other types of vegetation that is costly to irrigate, this is not obligatory. Other homeowners can create idyllic green roofs with brush, tress or other vegetation that needs far less maintenance or costs.
You Can Make Your Own Green Roof With Some Dirt
If we were to analyze the problems of doing it yourself when it comes to green roofs then this could be biggest and costliest mistake. The simple fact of the matter is that creating a great green roof involves much more than some good potting soil on it. Before even one ounce of dirt, soil or any other vegetation is planted on your roof, it is necessary to have your home’s structure analyzed to determine if it has the strength and integrity to handle a green roof.
Green Roofs Are Simply Too Expensive and Complicated
Many homeowners are intimidated by green roofs because they simply do not know where to start or how much it is going to cost them to install and maintain and while many of these concerns are genuine, the fact of the matter is choosing the correct team of professionals is one of the safest way of ensuring your costs are kept to a minimum.
Need A Professional Green Roofing Team Today?
If you are looking to install or upgrade the green roof in your home or simply have some questions that you would like answered then you need to call us today. Trust us, you won’t regret it.